TWTW- Time With The Word

TWTW: People Pleasing (Galatians 1:10)

Today’s post is centered on one question. Is your goal in life to please people or to please God? Why do you wake up each day? Why do you dress the way you dress? Why do you post the things you post? Why do you identify as a who you are? At the end of […]

TWTW- Time With The Word

TWTW: How I Distinguish God’s Voice From My Thoughts

One of the many questions I’ve heard Christians ask is, “How do I know it’s actually God that’s speaking to me and not just my own thoughts?”. It’s a question I’ve asked God severally as well. Lord, how do I know this is you and not me? These are the ways I’ve been able to […]

Lifestyle TWTW- Time With The Word

My Favorite Christian Content Creators

In my journey of self love and improvement, social media has been one of my greatest tool. Yes, even spiritually. My favorite social platform is Tiktok. I have learnt so much through that app. I’ve found creators that uplift and inspire me to be the most authentic version of myself. I do believe social média […]

TWTW- Time With The Word

TWTW: Romans 12:9-10

Welcome back to the blog! It is Time With The Word! Today, I want to talk about something I think we all struggle with. People can be so annoying, you know? The things they do, the things they say. I know we’ve all thought to ourselves, “How can someone act like this?”. Someone did something […]

Blogmas TWTW- Time With The Word

Blogmas’23 D3/TWTW: Romans 8:38-39

Welcome back to Ib’s blog! It’s Day 3 of Blogmas and it’s also Time With The Word. We’re in the season of celebrating the birth of Jesus. One thing that gets me excited about Christmas is just the fact that Jesus exists. The fact that God sent His son to earth to be among us, […]

TWTW- Time With The Word

Time With The Word: John 13:7

Hey guys! It’s Ib I’m introducing a new series on the blog called, “TWTW: Time With The Word”. It’ll be a monthly series. It’s a post where I’ll share some of my favorite Bible verses and we can ruminate and meditate on them together. I’ve had this thought for months now and at first I […]