
Top 3 Dream Vacation Spots

I’ve been in the mood for a vacation in the longest time but that is not feasible at the moment so I’ve decided to completely immerse myself in imagining that I am on my dream vacation at my favorite spots.

I’m not really the type of person that loves traveling or is eager to see the whole world. One, cause I get motion sickness while flying and two, I just really love the comfort of a familiar place but there are few spots that if you asked me to pack up my bags and fly to right now, I would immediately agree!


This has been at the top of my list since forever.

Everytime I see a picture or clip of Amsterdam, it looks like the perfect place for introverts. It always looks so peaceful and quiet which is the opposite of where I live. It looks like it would be the perfect escape spot from the hustle and bustle of Lagos.


Maldives is the perfect getaway spot from humans altogether, which is what the goal is. I love the feeling of being close to the sea, the clean and natural breeze, sunlight, I love all that!

This would be beautiful for a honeymoon vacation to be honest. Maybe I should just wait till then.

Cape Town🌆

Cape Town has also been my travel list for a long time mostly because I have a good number of friends I would love to meet there. I’ve promised most of them that I will visit someday so I better stick to my word.

Plus, the energy there seems great. Feels like everyone’s just vibingggg!

Those are my top 3 dream vacation spots at the moment! I cannot wait to visit these places, because I know I will. It’s just a matter of time.

Thank you for reading my delulu post!

What are YOUR dream vacation spots? Have you been to any of these places?

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