
Transitioning Into A 9-5 Routine

It’s been officially a month since I started my compulsory internship program and boy, do I have a lot to say on it!

This is not my first time operating in the corporate world but for some reason, the older I get, the tougher it gets. I thought it would be the opposite but it felt like it took me a longer time to adjust to my current routine.

My work hours are 8am – 4pm on Mondays and 8:30am – 4pm from Tuesdays to Fridays. I have to leave my house between 5:30am-6am cause of traffic and on an average day, I get back home between 7pm – 8pm.

I’m a girl that usually wakes up at 6:30am, takes about an hour at least to do my devotion, journal, read and do that mental prep for the day. Love to have an early dinner and spend the rest of the evening binge watching a show.

To go from this to my current routine was a big struggle, but there are a few things I do to make my work- life more bearable.

Prep meals

Preparing my meals the night before has been such a huge stress relief. You don’t have to worry about what you will eat the next day. It saves lots of time and energy. Also, money cause less takeouts.

Morning Podcasts

I love playing music while I’m getting ready for the day. It makes my GRWMs more fun.

However, I noticed that listening to music at 4am while I’m literally dragging my feet to the bathroom wasn’t really doing it for me. I can never decide on the type of vibe I wanted to listen to.

I switched to podcasts and that was definitely a game changer. I listen to Christian podcasts because first thing I like to do in the morning is connect with God and I felt like I didn’t really have time to do that cause I’m always rushing. So listening to a sermon while getting ready in the morning makes me feel calm, connected with God and actually gets me in the right mindset for the day.

Look at how many birds I killed with one stone!

Plan outfits for the week

I plan my outfits for the week on Sundays. I bring them out, hang them, iron some that need ironing and place them where they’re reachable.

I cannot wake up by 4am and start deciding what to wear. That’s just not me.

Planning my outfits ahead saves me 5-10 minutes that I could use to make sure my lips are properly lined 😉


I cannot be the only one that doesn’t understand the taste of water. Unless I’m extremely dehydrated, I cannot drink up to half of a bottle of water.

Due to lack of midday rest, which is what my bf and I call “power naps”, once it’s reaching midday, I start to feel very fatigued. Substituting between coffee, tea and drinks helps strengthen me for a bit longer.

I’m trying to cut down on my caffeine and carbonated drinks so now I’m trying to discover different kinds of tea and find the ones I like.

Take a break

Sitting at your desk staring at your screen for hours is not healthy at all. I’ve realized that taking 5-10mins break every 2 hours actually makes me work more efficiently. Whatever you choose to do with your break is left to you but a break is necessary.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post!

I could definitely need some more tips so if there are things that you do that make your work routine more enjoyable for you, please share in the comments below!

Also, let me know if you do any of these already.

Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to like this post if you enjoyed it, subscribe if you aren’t already. Stay up to date on all posts by following the blog socials embedded below!

I can’t forget to say Happy new month!!!🤍🤍

This month is blessed for us all!

If you want to reach out personally for a guest post/collaboration or just to say hi, send me a mail at Continue to have a great day or night! Love you!🤍💐

4 replies on “Transitioning Into A 9-5 Routine”

I totally relate! 4 years in & I still struggle with adjusting to corporate. I’ve only felt a bit of autonomy with my time in the past year because I now work hybrid. However, adding small things that make you feel good to your routine does a lot of good to your mental health.

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I wish I could work hybrid too😭 5 days a week is crazyyy and some people work on Saturdays too! Damnn
Those little things really do matter!


9-5/6pm is not an easy thing at all. I can totally relate to everything 😭. The stress is on another level. You will begin to realize you want to stay home more on weekends and just sleep and relax. Mine is even worse because I am combining it with online school.

God will help us ooo

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