
8 Mindset Shifts You Should Consider Incorporating Into Your Life

One thing every self-help book will always stress is that everything begins with the mind. What you take out of every experience depends on your mind. The quality of your life is a result of the quality of your mind.

These are 8 mindset shifts that I’ve imbibed or still working on, that have impacted my mind and my life as a whole.

The “Let Them” Theory

The “Let Them” theory is a concept that was popularized by Mel Robbins, a therapist and life coach.

It centers around the idea of allowing people be themselves. Letting people make their own choices and live their lives without interference or undue influence from us. It encourages us to release the need to control other people’s actions or decisions and instead, focus on our own responses and boundaries.

We cannot control everything or everyone around us, which has been a tough pill for me to swallow over the years because as a first child, I grew up being told that I needed to control the ones around me. I needed to make sure that they were making the best decisions at all times, that they aren’t supposed to fall because I’m around. So there’s a part of me that always feels like I should help the people around me to make decisions “I think” is the best for them instead of just letting them be themselves.

I’m learning to just let people be who they are then I can decide if their actions align with who I am or who I want to be. Let people act how they want to act but control my own reactions. It relieves your mind and takes off unnecessary pressure and headache off you.

Mark 11:24

Mark 11:24 says, “I tell you, you can pray for anything and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours”.

This is the type of faith I be moving with and trust me, it works!

God says I shouldn’t worry about anything but pray about everything. He says it’s only non-believers that worry about tomorrow so I don’t worry about things. If I want something, I pray about it and wait for the Lord to deliver it if it’s aligned with His will.

I only have to choose to see the positive in this situation

I know this is easier said than done and with most things in life, it takes conscious effort to make this a habit but it will really improve your overall well being if you live each day having this mindset in mind.

No one is ahead of me or behind me. We’re on paths that are completely different

We were all born separately, with separate lives, different childhood experiences, memories that are unique to us. Just because we converged at a certain point in our journeys does not mean we are heading in the same direction.

This is my life so it’s impossible for someone to be ahead or behind me on my race. It’s a one-man race with several witnesses that will come and go.

If God did it for them, He can do it for me

If someone achieves something that I want to do, it’s only proof that it can be done. It proves that it’s not impossible.

I personally feel like the spirit of envy or jealousy pushes your blessings further away from you.

There is no failure. There are only lessons

In my life, I can’t fail. I only learn.

I do not look at situations that didn’t go my way and say, “I regret doing that”. I try to always find a lesson to grab from that situation. If I didn’t do something right this time, then I should try a different approach next time.

Whatever/ Whoever is for me will never leave me. God will not send my parcel to another person’s door

It’s really just as simple as that.

We humans, we like to feel like we have control over most things in our lives and that’s just a delusion. We don’t have control over anything or anyone but ourselves so I’m learning not to force things in my life. What’s for me will naturally gravitate towards me and stay with me without force.

If God put me in it, He’s going to lead me through it and bring me out of it

This reminds me of a verse I came across recently.

1 Corinthians 10:13, basically says that God will never let you go through what you can’t handle and even if you’re faced with those things you struggle with, He will show you a way out of it.

He’s your Shepherd, literally.

These are 8 mindset shifts that I’ve been incorporating into my lifestyle. I hope you resonate with some, if not all of them and it inspires you to work on them as well.

Hope you enjoyed this post! If you did, don’t hesitate to comment your thoughts below and share!

What mindset shifts have you made in your life recently?

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