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The Journey To Building Your Dream Brand ft PASSI & KALLOS (TEMI.SOLES)

Audacity is gotten from the Latin word, Audacitas which means boldness.

It takes audacity to be able to build your dream brand despite what others may think, how your finances may be looking at the moment or what other lemons the world may be throwing at you.

That audacity definitely wasn’t built in a day so we have a guest on the blog today, to tell us how she was able to start and sustain her brand.

Guest Introduction

Temi is the CEO of PASSI & KALLOS (formerly known as TEMI.SOLES), a footwear brand in Nigeria.

I am an entrepreneurial and determined individual with a deep passion for footwear. I founded and currently run a successful footwear brand, where I combine creativity with strategic business insights to design and market innovative products that resonate with customers. My journey as an entrepreneur has been driven by my relentless commitment to excellence and my ability to adapt to ever-changing market dynamics.

In addition to my entrepreneurial ventures, I am also a dedicated student of Physiotherapy at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos. Balancing my academic responsibilities with running a business has honed my time management skills and reinforced my belief in the importance of perseverance and hard work.

My friendly and approachable nature, coupled with a great sense of humor, has helped me build strong relationships both personally and professionally. I thrive on connecting with people and enjoy creating a positive and engaging environment in all my endeavors. My determination and innovative spirit are the driving forces behind my success and continue to propel me forward in both my academic and entrepreneurial journeys.

Welcome to the blog, Temi!

Of course, first question has to be, What inspired you to start your business?

I started my footwear brand because I have a deep passion for shoes and fashion. Creating stylish and unique footwear that stands out in the market is something that truly drives me. The love for footwear and the desire to offer something special to customers inspired me to embark on this exciting journey.
A gap in the market needs to be filled, and also my personal connection with footwear and fashion.
To be fair, if you ever catch Temi Outside, I’m on a slippers.

Can you walk us through the early stages of building your brand?

The early stages of Temi.Soles was quite easy, I would say. I’ve always been a business person, always known that I wanted to do business, so I just channeled my energy and decided to put in the work, I became consistent and determined.

I’m also thankful to my friends around me, who supported me and had my back.
My early days were amazing, I remember when I sold like 20 pairs in a week and I was the happiest person alive, I’m grateful for my early days.

What are some of your major wins or milestones through the journey of building Temi.Soles?

Every purchase on my brand, every patronage was a milestone to me, but to mention a few, I remember my first 1.5million naira sale in 3 days. Life was worth living again, it taught me that I had so much potential in me and I was doing just 2% of my abilities, but every step, every stride was a milestone for me.

What were some of the biggest obstacles you encountered and how did you overcome them?

I faced some major obstacles while starting my footwear brand. One challenge was sourcing high-quality materials at an affordable price. To overcome this, I researched different suppliers, negotiated prices, and eventually found reliable partners that met my quality standards while staying within budget.

Another obstacle was building brand awareness and reaching my target audience. I tackled this by focusing on social media marketing, collaborating with influencers, and participating in local events to showcase my products. By being persistent, adaptable, and proactive, I was able to navigate through these challenges and grow my brand.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to build their own business?

For aspiring entrepreneurs looking to build their brand, I would advise focusing on your passion, staying dedicated to your vision, and being willing to adapt to challenges. It’s crucial to do thorough market research, understand your target audience, and differentiate your brand from competitors. Building a strong online presence through social media and collaborations can also help in gaining visibility. Remember to stay resilient, seek mentorship, and continuously learn and improve your business strategies.

How do you nurture and maintain relationships shege your customers to build brand loyalty?

My very secret to maintaining and nurturing my customers is interaction with them, one way to always find me is in my stories, I make sure to drop contents that make them talk with me, voice out how I can do better, even lay down their complaints.

I also make sure not to forget to show appreciation for their support, give them discounts, cash back, giveaways and provided excellent customer service.
Not all customers are easy right, I have tough ones too, some customers can be so unnecessarily difficult.
I try to attend to their needs if need be and also let them know they are heard.
I personalize my thank you cards too, I write them like I’m writing a love letter to them, makes them feel connected to me.

What are your future goals and aspirations for your business?

I have a lot of goals, infact, everyday I wake up to a new goal, new target, new determination.
To mention a few, I want to grow my brand globally, I want it to be recognized around the world, I want to open walk-in stores in various locations , work with amazing people, build a community beyond just business.

How did you know it was the right time for a rebrand?

I knew it was time to do more greater things when I sensed the urge to give my brand a better look, a better perception, to attract a broader audience, and to stay in tune in with the markets latest trends.

I just knew it was time to refresh my brand image and begin to do the remaining 98% of my abilities.

Is there a particular aspect of your rebrand process that you’re especially proud of and you think your customers should be excited about?

These are just a few things that my customers should be excited about!
1. Quality Products:
2. Unique Brand Identity:
3. Customer Experience:
4. Value for Money
5. Personalization
6. Transparency and Trust

Could you sum up your journey in a sentence?

My rebrand journey can be summarized as a passionate pursuit of expanding Passi & Kallos, collaborating with content creators, and making strategic decisions like rebranding to elevate my brand’s presence and reach.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learnt so far?

The most significant lesson I have learnt is to trust my instincts and embrace change, like rebranding, to propel my brand forward and connect with a wider audience effectively.

Any last words for the people who are just learning about Temi Soles? 

For those just discovering about us, Welcome to the world of elegant and innovative footwear! Explore our brand with curiosity and embrace the journey of style and quality with us.

Such an impactful journey. I’m genuinely inspired by this interview and super excited for the relaunch!

Temi.Soles will relaunch on the 15th of June! And from my experience, I’m sure Temi can’t disappoint so you shouldn’t miss out!

You can check out her pages across all platforms at @_temi.aa and @passiandkallos

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed this post. Make sure you like, share and let us know your thoughts or questions in the comments!

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